1. Hahahahahaha...so the Word of Allah is a bastard child of an unfaithful wife? Do you have no respect for the Word of Allah?
You Muslims will slander anybody just to defend the child molester Muhammad, your real God.
So you agree he was banging a girl still playing with dolls?
2) DIVORCE OF WHO? The Surah mentions DIVORCE OF FEMALES WHO HAVE NOT SEEN THEIR MENSES! The hadith and the Tafsir confirm it is due to reason of their age and because they are too young.
So must you not MARRY someone before you can DIVORCE them? And if Allah is telling you how to DIVORCE a female who has not seen her period, it means you can MARRY a female who has not seen her period.
Even your scholar Imam Shafi says so...
Are you trying to make your own interpretation of Surah 65:4? Didn't your child molesting prophet say all innovators would go to hell?