Completely off topic this,
The point is not "do we love homosexuals or not?", it is "Did God give homosexuals those desires or not?"
And the answer provided is from the perspective of Christian doctrine. God made everything perfectly and creation is now fallen thanks to man's rebellion so of course there would be "errors in the codes" as you say.
And homosexuality appearing in the animal kingdom is a very weird justification for its appropriateness. Is man not supposed to be a superior species to other animals? Why are we even vaguely setting behaviours of lower animals as a standard for what is acceptable among men?
Other traits like sex with parents, killing and neglect of their own children also occur within the animal kingdom. Should we adopt these also?
Ultimate love is in the gospel and if you love people you point them to the ultimate love of God for them. You let them know their desires are leading them away from that love and you let them know why that is...and, oh coincidentally, if you can believe that, this is the point of the article.