Hope you are well Mr Mohamed?
I am not a believer in interfaith dialogues "to better understand each other" because while that sounds nice the fact is all faiths contradict each other and cannot be right or true simultaneously so focus should be on getting to truth not necessarily for dialogue and understanding
To make it simple, my faith is an unforgivable sin according to your faith (Surah 4:116), so what would the point be for you to better understand it if it will make you a Mushrik? And according to my faith, if you do not accept what would be unforgivable in your faith, you will perish eternally, so why don't we discuss to find out truth rather than be nice to each other and be heading for hell according to each others' faith?
But if you wanted to engage on this basis, may I ask,
Why is an ordinary messenger of God elevated among creation? And if the Quran says Jesus is created like Adam and says Jesus is the word and Spirit of Allah, would that mean Allah's word and Spirit are created?