How I would combat Islamic terrorism in Europe if it was up to me

A.B. Melchizedek
8 min readJan 31, 2025


photo credit: Voegelin View

1. Have an Independent Inquiry into the Quran and the Hadith

The first thing I would do to combat Islamic terrorism in Europe would be to launch an independent inquiry into the Quran.

The inquiry committee would be made up of Quran experts from across the spectrum. The committee would also compulsorily include extremist Muslim Imams, representatives of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and other proscribed terror groups, former Islamic terrorists who have been reformed, shariah experts from the middle east (both Shia and Sunni), professors of religion, moderate preachers of Islam, all would be given a seat at the table with the following terms of reference:

  • Does Islam promote hatred of and warfare against unbelievers? In particular, what is the correct interpretation of Surah 9? Is this a command that was for a specific point in time or is this something that applies today? Would the Quran be classified as hate speech?
  • What exactly is the reason Islam is responsible for the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in Europe?
  • Does Islam promote sexual relations with minors? In particular, what is the correct interpretation of Surah 65:4?
  • Is Shariah law allowed to be subject to the laws of Europe? Does Islam permit a permanent subservience of Shariah to non-Muslim laws?
  • What is the status of women in Islam? Does the Shariah permit a woman to be in any position of leadership over a man? What is a woman’s rights within the context of marriage in Islam?
  • Does the Shariah permit freedom of other religions to the extent that Muslims are currently free to practice their religion in Europe?
  • Is Islam inherently antisemitic?

The discussions will be public and recorded both in audio format and in writing. The members of the panel will be anonymized for their safety, their names redacted from the audio and written record. Interaction between different factions of the committee would also be anonymized so that everybody can speak their mind and no one would be afraid of having their identities compromised or their lives put in danger as a result of the discourse.

The committee must also consider the interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence advanced by Muslim preachers on their internet sermons both in Europe and in the Middle East today.

Of course there would be a massive backlash to this idea, Muslims will not like it but the official line of my government will be this;

If there is indeed nothing in Islam, the Quran and the Hadith that keeps giving rise to terrorism, should Muslims not be excited that once and for all, these misconceptions about Islam will be thrashed out in the public domain? This is a golden opportunity for Islam to be vindicated and if the report of this inquiry finds nothing wrong with Islam, for years to come Muslims can always hold that over our heads. They can say with glee ‘The Quran was independently investigated and came out unscathed, now never again say those infidels shouting Allahu Akbar while slaughtering people have anything to do with our beautiful religion.’

2. Spread awareness of what Islam really is

After the above inquiry into the Quran where inevitably we will see that it does what it says on the tin and is the driving force of all the Islamic “extremist” terrorism in Europe, we can now begin to see what Islam really is. This is why there will be experts from the Middle East and “extremist” organisations represented on the committee, we want the unfiltered religion of Islam, not the westernized version for dummies.

The next phase will be to educate the public on Islam beaming a massive spotlight on Quranic teachings. There will be ad campaigns showing Quran verses calling for the violent deaths of those who do not agree with it. Buses in Europe will have Surah 9:29 and Surah 9:5 and Surah 8:60 and pictures of child brides captioned with Surah 65:4 plastered across them.

We will teach young children about Islam in schools, the real Islam with all its fruits of terror and mayhem which it has left in its tracks since the 7th century, not the white-washed “white folks bad, anything not white good” version.

The point and the messaging throughout will be this,

“Islam is its own thing. It is not like anything we have seen before therefore we have to treat it separately, in a class of its won and with its own special rules

This would mean freedom of religion will have to be curbed when it comes to Islam (after all we do not want people to be free to kill other people who have left or do not agree with the religion). Putting Islam in a special category after giving it a fair shake during the inquiry will also eliminate this braindead “whataboutism” that Piers Morgan and the average Westerner resorts to whenever they do not want to be seen as the Islamophobic one in a conversation.

The European youth from an early age will also need to be sensitized to “Islamophobia” and how the word, prior to the independent inquiry into the Quran and hadith, had been used to silence criticism of Islam in Europe. How this one word was so effective that police in the UK would rather have hundreds of thousands of young girls drugged, pimped and r**ed than be labelled an Islamophobe or racist!

3. Dissolve Sharia and Muslim councils

The logic for this has been outlined in another article “Why Sharia councils in Britain are utterly unacceptable” that will be linked below. Given Sharia cannot function alongside the laws of Europe, being fundamentally in opposition to it on many fronts, Sharia and Muslim councils will be dissolved effective immediately.

Muslims of course would be free to peacefully protest these actions. “Peacefully” being the operative word.

4. Bolster laws governing protest

The following laws will be passed in relation to protest:

  • Protesters must show their faces at all times, any face covering by men will be deemed a threat but face covering by women will be handled on a case by case basis with regard to the need to balance freedom of religion with continental security.
  • Riot police must be present if the protest is for an Islamic cause
  • It is illegal to adorn one’s self with any items which have inscriptions, whether in English or otherwise, which support terrorist organizations, calls for death or violence against any particular group or violates any European law.

5. Bring back the death penalty for terrorism

Why should the tax payer continue to fund the life of terrorists who clearly hate Europe? I will bring back the death penalty for terrorism. The trial will be accelerated, much like Mr Starmer accelerated trial for the Southport rioters and the sentencing will be speedy.

As further deterrent to terrorist attacks, the terrorist prior to being executed shall be deprived of food for a week and given water only once for every 48 hours.

Execution shall be by hanging in public. The last thing the terrorist should see is the Quran being desecrated in some form. The method to be decided based on the seriousness of the terror attack.

6. A two-tier prison system (Terrorist and Other)

Given the death penalty will be imposed on terrorists going forward and that it would not be fair to have retro-active punitive legislation, I would have all terrorists currently locked up moved to specially designated “terrorist only” prisons to avoid other non-radical criminals being bullied into joining Islamic gangs or being radicalised in prison.

Food rations in terror only prisons will be reduced to save tax payer money. They will be served food once a day and allowed no visitors.

Further, there would be a continuous audio playing 24 hours a day of critics of Islam making fun of Muhammad (perhaps Christian Prince, Sam Shamoun, David Wood, Jai and Doc) in those designated terrorist prisons. This will serve as exposure therapy and will normalise Allah, Muhammad and Islam being insulted in the minds of Islamic terrorists.

7. Escalated continental reactions to Islamic terror attacks

Any terror attacks will be met with continental escalation of the very thing the terror attack was committed to discourage. Samuel Paty beheaded for showing a cartoon of Muhammad? I will make it compulsory for every school in Europe to, by law and every year, show a Muhammad cartoon on the day Samuel Paty was beheaded.

Salwan Momika murdered for burning the Quran? We will have a continental European bank holiday every year specially for burning the Quran. The European Parliament will burn 38 copies of the Quran (One Quran for every year Momika lived).

For every Islamic terror attack, I will launch an investigation into the mosque(s) the attacker visited and close it or them down immediately. The response to terrorism would be to close down at least one mosque (either the attacker’s mosque or the nearest mosque to the attacker’s home) with the Imam investigated. Imam to be compensated if innocent but arrested and/or deported as appropriated if he incited the terror attack in any way.

8. TV Channels

I will make it compulsory for every country in Europe to have at least one anti-religion TV channel that has educational shows which debate and criticize every religion (including Christianity and Islam), religious figure (including Jesus and Muhammad) and religious text including the Quran. The aim will be to normalise religious discourse while removing the stigma the public has attached to openly criticising the Islamic religion.

In reality of course, all of this only works in my head because Europeans tend to be very stupid and will be so compassionate even on the Jihadis banging their daughters and “striking their necks” as the Quran commands in Surah 4:24 and 47:4. I mean we really do not want to send them back to their countries where they came from do we? Why not house them and give them free food, clothing and cigarettes?

The point is action is needed in Europe and it is not funny any more. If there was one thing I wish Europe would know, it is this;

Islam will NEVER like you! Muhammad commands his followers to “fight the people until they say no God but Allah”. Islam will look for any excuse to cause unrest and tension. “Oh, free free Palestine!”, “Someone drew a cartoon!”, “Europe is causing wars in Muslim lands!”, “Europe is Islamophobic!”, there is nothing you can do to please Islam. The truth is it hates you because you do not permit what Muhammad permits and forbid what he forbids and no matter how many Quran burners you prosecute, no matter how many people who speak against Islam you lock up in prison, no matter how many child molesters and groomers you cover up for to “foster communal cohesion”, no matter how many Islamic terrorists you release from the police station because of a raid, you will remain a filthy breed, the worst of creatures (Surah 98:6) to the Islamic mindset.

And you know what? The more you bend over backwards to please Islam, the more you confirm that Islam is really superior (Surah 3:110) to your laws!

For the sake of your children and generations yet unborn, face this issue of Islam head on Europe!

Is my 8 point agenda too far? is it unfair? What did I miss? What would you do differently? Let me know in the comments!

Further reading:



A.B. Melchizedek
A.B. Melchizedek

Written by A.B. Melchizedek

Crusader waging offensive war on ideas that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ (particularly Islam) & defending the logic of the Christian faith.

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