I appreciate your comment and I think your heart is in the right place but Islam is the problem. There is no such thing as radical islam (Islamist) and moderate Islam, there is just Islam. There is no chance you read the Quran, the Hadith and the life of Muhammad and think you can have a moderate version of Islam.
And I am still waiting for the context of Surah 9:29.
Any sect that moderates Islam is not adhering to the religion and isn't even Muslim. (Surah 4:65, 33:36)
And remember the Quran orders Muhammad to fight unbelievers and HYPOCRITES. So the minority Muslim sects you allude to would be classed as either unbelievers altogether or hypocrites hence Muslim on Muslim killing tends to be a thing.
And I am still waiting for the context of Surah 9:29.