It is a very valid question. On what basis can you call the world evil as an atheist? You must have some sort of standard must'nt you? When you say the world is evil, you are making a judgment call and acknowledging the world is not as it should be so that leaves the door open for two questions,
- What is your standard of good and evil?
- Why, on an atheistic worldview, would you expect the world to be different from what you see around you right now?
It is not enough to lift up your chin, huff and walk away, which it looks like you are doing.
And secondly there is nothing wrong with using old arguments or arguments not unique to you. Spoiler alert, most arguments you will ever make or come across are not unique to those you hear it from for the first time.
Atheism is a very silly belief that explains nothing, grounds nothing, answers nothing and sustains nothing. The West has been trying to sustain civilisation by becoming more atheistic in outlook, how is that working out for everybody?