Oh very lovely pushback, appreciate the discourse. The Messiah is alluded to all over scripture beginning from Genesis. In Genesis alone we have
-The promised seed of the woman that would crush the head of the serpent in Genesis 3
- Melchizedek being a king priest bringing bread and wine to Abraham (interesting bread and wine would later become communion in the NT)
- The seed promised to Abraham through whom the whole world would be blessed in Genesis 22
- The sacrifice of Isaac that ended up not happening and the prophesy of Abraham that God would provide a Lamb for himself and Jesus being the Lamb of God in John.
- Theological parallels in the life of Joseph
- The prophesy that Judah would have a scepter on Genesis 49
In Exodus,
-Theological parallels in the life of Moses
-we have the Passover and the exodus of Israel from Egypt
In Leviticus, the numerous sacrifices pointing to Christ as the ultimate sacrifice. Also the day of atonement and the High priest
In Deuteronomy 18, the prophesy of a coming prophet like Moses who would speak directly for God and whoever does not listen to him would be judged by God.
I have not fleshed some of the above out but you can do some research on all these things and I have written articles on some elements. It's all over scripture, Jesus wasn't joking when He said in John 5:39, "You keep searching the scriptures thinking you have life in them but they testify of me..." And why preached about His mission from scripture in Luke 24.
I don't know if this helps