Why shutting your mouth about Islam is NOT as safe as you think

A.B. Melchizedek
7 min read5 days ago


Photo credit: Al Jazeera

It is an unspoken rule that speaking against Islam carries with it the threat of death. From Salman Rushdie to Salwan Momika, this is a lesson the religion of peace has been all too keen to teach the West. There has also been a spike in the death threats YouTubers who speak against Islam (Like Abdullah Sameer and Apostate Prophet) have gotten since Salwan was murdered. The threats are something to the effect of “We got Salwan, You are next!”.

The threats have been so rampant that Alex O’Connor, who was supposed to be debating a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with Islam (“Did Jesus claim to be God?”) has withdrawn from said debate. I had been looking forward to for almost a month now but Alex O’connor has chosen to allow himself be gagged just by the threat of an Islamic attack.

Given all the death threats that accompany speaking against the world’s most peaceful religion, is it really worth it? Is it really worth putting one’s life in danger? What if I told you that speaking up against Islam is actually the safer option and keeping quiet is way more dangerous than you think?

The first reason it is dangerous to keep quiet about Islam is that you are playing straight into the hands of the Islamists. Think about this, the ideal Islamic society is one where those who follow Islam have everybody else in subjection. Every other person is surrendered to Islam and Islam is treated as a special category. This means Muslims can do whatever they want to you and say whatever they want about you and you in return must keep your mouth shut about it.

So in Muslim majority countries, you speak against Islam, they kill you and you are silenced. In the Non-Muslim West, you speak against Islam, they call you “Islamophobic” and as a result, you are silenced. The plan in the Non-Muslim West is to keep people silent until the Muslim community gets strong enough to actually kill you if you speak against Islam. This is no conspiracy theory! Yasir Qadhi is on record talking about taking over Malmo in Sweden by birth rates. Dilly Hussain is on record talking about taking over the UK from within and floated the idea of the King being overthrown in this hypothetical scenario. There are several instances of Muslims in the West on record saying their Jihad is to bring sharia to the West. This is no joke!

So while keeping quiet now might look safe and sensible, your silence is contributing to a future where Sharia is imposed in your area and guess what happens when Sharia takes over? The very death you were afraid of comes to your doorstep anyway because Islam commands Muslims to fight those who do not believe in Allah (Surah 9:29). You are in trouble anyway!

Picture the kind of society you contribute to when you are quiet about Islam because you are afraid of being killed or being labelled a racist. The UK had hundreds of thousands of young white girls pimped, drugged and gang-banged. The police did not do anything for fear of being called racist and Islamophobic! Sorry, the police did do something, They covered it up and arrested the fathers of the young girls who tried to save their daughters! Let that sink in! Imagine how many young girl’s lives would have been saved from grooming gangs if people just opened their mouths about how evil Islam is? Imagine an alternative universe where criticizing Islam was normal and commonplace in the UK- the grooming gangs would never have taken off because the fact Islam expressly allows for the behaviour of the gangs would have been common knowledge and the police would have been alert to the Islamic context of the gangs’ actions.

What did we have instead? People drawing attention to the grooming gangs being labelled racists and being prosecuted and persecuted.

This is the dystopian society you contribute to when you allow Islam gag you.

Secondly, when you shut up about Islam, you reward terrorism.

You know, the correct reaction to an Islamic terror attack is not to have more respect and empathy for Islam. This is just plain old Western stupidity.

If we show them we love them and respect their religion, their hearts will melt and they will love us!”.

This is Disneyland thinking! Let me introduce you to the Islamic mindset.

Yahya Sinwar literally had his life saved by Israel. He had a tumour which a Jewish surgeon removed while he was a prisoner in Israel. This Sinwar was a guy who was in jail for his involvement in various “Palestinian” uprisings against Israel. Israel then saves his life while he is their prisoner. Very touching story isn’t it?

Now what was Yahya Sinwar’s thank you? October 7th! Mass murder of Israeli civilians and rape of innocent Jewish women. This is the Islamic mindset oh idiots of Europe and the West!

Muhammad said he has been commanded to fight the people not until they love and respect the feelings of Muslims, but until they themselves become Muslims. Islam is at war with any Non-Muslim area on the planet. It is literally called “House of war” in Islamic theology. This war is of course disguised as very legitimate causes, “wars in Muslim lands”, “Support for Israel”, “Neglect of the poor Palestinians”, “atrocities against Muslims during the crusades”, but at the heart of it is religious hatred for unbelievers sanctioned by Allah himself,

Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers

(Surah 3:32)

So keeping quiet about Islam out of “respect” is not going to make Muslims who take their religion seriously love the west any more than they do now. Allah has ordered them to hate you, you idiots!

Keeping quiet out of fear of reprisal rewards Islamic terror. The message being sent to the terrorists is that if they go on a killing spree they can get their way and have whatever they want! This is an intimidation tactic and can I say that Europe, particularly the UK, has been bullied into submission by Islam. If on the other hand, there is an escalation of criticism for Islam in the wake of terror attacks, if mosques for example are closed by the government in response, this disincentivizes terrorists as the last thing they want is to give an opportunity to the West to drag the name of Muhammad in the mud and closing mosques would genuinely force “the peaceful Muslims” so called to actually police their own. As it stands, Muslims take no responsibility at all for the extremists within their ranks…but I digress…

Thirdly, shutting up about Islam confirms, to Muslims, the Islamic notion that they are superior to any other group of people. Remember, Allah says of Muslims in the Quran,

You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah…”

(Surah 3:110)

And of Non-Muslims,

Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.”

(Surah 98:6)

Whenever you shut up about Islam, you reinforce the notion that Islam is superior and as such while they can say anything they want about your worldview, they can literally walk around calling for the deaths of people who have left Islam like Ali Dawah has done, they can literally talk about taking your wives as sex slaves as Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem has done yet you are never allowed to respond or say anything critical about their Islamic religion.

Fourth and finally, this sort of ties in to the first point but you are endangering the future of subsequent generations when you shut up about Islam. Sure, it is safe and cosy not to talk about Islam now. You are safe, your family is safe, life is good! But if this continues, what happens if Islam continues to gain ground and eventually takes over in another 10 years? 15 years? 30 years? Your women start wearing Burkas as a matter of law and are regularly beaten, your kids start getting married (and probably banged) at 5 years old (as Daniel Haqiquatjou has stated in his debate with IP), your kids have to start paying “Jizya” (A tax to be paid in humiliation to Muslim overlords as an acknowledgment of your inferior status) just to be practising Christians or their lives suck so bad they convert to Islam, all because it was safe and cosy to not speak against Islam some decades prior.

For the record, Islam will never take over Europe. People are awake but politicians and those who run the institutions are still living in the early 2000s where Islam was pretending to be a religion of peace, Islam in the 2020s does not pretend anymore. We now have Muslims proudly telling us they kill apostates, endorse Jihad against Christians and Jews, beat women and most importantly of all, marry kids! Europe has seen Muslims openly celebrate the death of Salwan Momika and the attempted murder of Salman Rushdie. People now know what Islam is about and if politicians continue to gag people and bury their heads in the sand…lets just say the chances of a peaceful resolution of the issue will be very low!

Islam is a big joke that Europe has taken seriously because it has no balls. Europe is so polite that it will offer hundreds of thousands of young girls to Muslim rape gangs to show how tolerant and diverse it really is. Shutting up about Islam makes you a facilitator of this kind of thing!

In summary, never shut up about Islam! If you do, you are rewarding terrorists and contributing towards a society where you will not be allowed to speak against Islam. That family and those kids you want to protect by shutting up? Islam will devour them without mercy if it takes over. For the sake of your kids and for the future of your country and continent, let criticism of Islam and Muhammad the child molester rise from every tongue! Use your freedom of speech while you can! Do not let Islam silence you with “You are hurting our feelings” and “Islamophobia” while they work towards a future where they can silence you by killing you if you disagree with their religion!

Criticizing Islam is literally a matter of life and death, not just for folks like Momika and Rushdie but for Western civilization as well!

Wake up!



A.B. Melchizedek
A.B. Melchizedek

Written by A.B. Melchizedek

Crusader waging offensive war on ideas that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ (particularly Islam) & defending the logic of the Christian faith.

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