Why there are no real Muslims on the planet
Yes, the title is not clickbait. There really are no real Muslims on the planet, not according to me by the way, but according to Muslims and the Islamic sources. I will show you what I mean, just stick with me.
Now, what is the definition of “Muslim”? A Muslim would be a person who follows the religion of Islam? What is Islam?
Islam means “Surrender”. Surrender to what? Not a surrender to what but a surrender to WHO. Islam is surrender to Allah. How do you surrender to Allah according to the Quran?
“He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allāh…”
(Surah 4:80)
And again,
“But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muḥammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.”
(Surah 4:65)
And again, and most importantly for this discussion,
“It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allāh and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allāh and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error.”
(Surah 33:36)
A Muslim has to absolutely and without question or objection, obey Muhammad. It is only in obeying Muhammad that you obey Allah. So Islam is ultimately a religion where you surrender to Allah by surrendering to Muhammad and all of his decisions.
As we will see, no Muslim actually follows all of Muhammad’s decisions without objection.
First, there is the problem most Muslims have with Islamic terror organisations. The top 10 terrorist organisations in the world all share one thing in common; Islam. They come from different backgrounds, different cultures, different countries and continents, yet they interpret Islam in the exact same way. They believe their mission is to fight unbelievers and carry out acts of terror against them. Why do I say this? The average Muslim would say they disagree with these terrorist organisations, they misrepresent Islam and are not true Muslims. Islam is peaceful they say.
Again, what are these Islamic terrorist organisations doing that is not Islamic and in line with the Quran and the Hadith? Beheading infidels? Taking sex slaves? carrying out acts of terror? The Hadith and the Quran directly command this. In fact Muhammad in the hadith said Jihad was the best of deeds. The Quran says,
“Indeed, Allāh has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allāh, so they kill and are killed…”
(Surah 9:111)
And in the hadith, Muhammad brags,
“Abu Huraira reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: I have been helped by terror…”
(Sahih Muslim Book 5 Hadith 11)
And the Quran says,
“Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allāh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture — [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”
(Surah 9:29)
Now your average Muslim might believe in peace and coexistence. They might define Jihad as an inward struggle, which is the polar opposite of how Muhammad defined it. This is all good and society is the better for it, thank God, but is this Islam? The Quran specifically asks Muslims not to seek peace when they have the upper hand,
“So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allāh is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds.”
(Surah 47:35)
Now, to not believe in Jihad and to criticize ISIS, HAMAS and Boko Haram. Is this submission to Muhammad? Again, thank God that Muslims do not agree with these organisations but if you are against Jihad and attacking Infidels is that not you having a say in a matter Muhammad and Allah have decided? Are the Muslims against terror also against the terror through which Allah gave victory to Muhammad?
Away from Jihad, what Muslim does not reinterpret the Quran in some way? There are Muslims against the child marriage Islam clearly teaches in Surah 65:4 as well as Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha at six years old and consumation through intercourse at nine years old according to the hadith. They have to reinterpret the Quran in some way to avoid this. There is also the issue of Mutah marriage which is permitted according to the Quran (Surah 4:24). A Mutah marriage is a temporary marriage between a man and a woman for the purpose of “relations”. The rest of us call it “prostitution” but this is an act that is permitted in the Quran. Now there is debate about whether or not Muhammad banned Mutah at some point but that does not detract from the fact it was a practice some Muslims would not agree with today. There is also the famous theology around “those whom your right hand possess”, war captives who Muhammad permitted to be “defiled” in the presence of their husbands. Can a Muslim in all good conscience be against this and remain a Muslim? Remember this is a thing Allah and his messenger have decided!
To less theological matters and more practical ones. Islam is a complete and total way of life. This means one cannot pick and choose what to follow. One must always follow the perfect pattern of Muhammad. As the hadith says,
“Abdur-Rahman bin Yazld said, :
“They said to Salman, ‘Your Prophet taught you about everything, even defecating?’ So Salman said, ‘Yes. He prohibited us from facing the Qiblah when defecating and urinating, performing Istinja with the right hand, using less than three stones for Istinja, and using dung or bones for Istinja”
(Jami at-Tirmidhi Book 1 Hadith 16)
Now the Islamic sources and scholars have a way of leaving some terms in Arabic so that they remain vague and do not hit the eyes as crassly as they ought to. “Istinja” simply refers to wiping your backside after using the toilet. The above hadith says the proper way to do it is (i) not to face the Qiblah (ii) with the right hand and (iii) using less than 3 stones. Is there any Muslim on the planet today who wipes with stones after using the toilet? Is there any Muslim that ensures they are not facing the Qiblah while urinating or doing number 2?
The only reason Muhammad assumed they could face away from the Qiblah is because he thought the earth was flat, but I digress…
Pictures are also haram in Islam,
“Narrated Salim’s father:
Once Gabriel promised to visit the Prophet (ﷺ) but he delayed and the Prophet (ﷺ) got worried about that. At last he came out and found Gabriel and complained to him of his grief (for his delay). Gabriel said to him, “We do not enter a place in which there is a picture or a dog.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 77 Hadith 176)
And again,
“Narrated Aisha:
(the wife of the Prophet) I bought a cushion having on it pictures (of animals). When Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) saw it, he stood at the door and did not enter. I noticed the sign of disapproval on his face and said, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! I repent to Allah and His Apostle. What sin have I committed?’ Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said. “What is this cushion?” I said, “I have bought it for you so that you may sit on it and recline on it.” Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The makers of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, ‘Give life to what you have created (i.e., these pictures).’ “ The Prophet (ﷺ) added, “The Angels of (Mercy) do not enter a house in which there are pictures (of animals).”
(Sahih Bukhari Book 67 Hadith 116)
So, an angel would not enter a house which has a picture of anything and on the day of resurrection, anybody who paints a picture would be forced to give life to it. Is there any Muslim who has never taken a picture? For a passport perhaps? or on a vacation? Who does not have any belongings with a picture of any kind on it?
Again, a Muslim is one who emulates Muhammad. The Quran states that he is the pattern of conduct,
“There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allāh an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allāh and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allāh often.”
(Surah 33:21)
Other than child marriage and the passion for Jihad the prophet had, is any Muslim willing to pray in the Mosque covered with semen stains like the prophet was?
“Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked `Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, “I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible.”
(Sahih Bukhari Book 4 Hadith 96)
“Narrated `Aisha:
I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet (ﷺ) and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible).”
(Sahih Bukhari Book 4 Hadith 95)
Is any Muslim willing to drink came urine like the prophet ordered?
“Narrated Anas:
The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet (ﷺ) he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.”
(Book 76 Hadith 9)
And again,
“Anas bin Malik narrated that:
A group of eighty people from ‘Ukl came to the Prophet [SAW], but the climate of Al-Madinah did not suit them and they fell sick. They complained about that to the Messenger of Allah [SAW] and he said: “Why don’t you go out with our herdsmen and drink the milk and urine of the camels?” They said: “Yes (we will do that).” They went out and drank some of the (camels’) milk and urine, and they recovered. Then they killed the herdsman of the Messenger of Allah [SAW], so he sent (men after them) and they caught them and brought them back. He had their hands and feet cut off and branded their eyes, and left them in the sun to die.”
(Sunan An-Nasai Book 37 Hadith 69)
Are there any Muslim women willing to present their b***sts to an adult male who is not their husband in order to make them stop lusting after her? This is after all a command of the prophet,
“A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Sahla bint Suhail came to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said:
Messenger of Allah, I see on the face of Abu Hudhaifa (signs of disgust) on entering of Salim (who is an ally) into (our house), whereupon Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) said: Suckle him. She said: How can I suckle him as he is a grown-up man? Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) smiled and said: I already know that he is a young man ‘Amr has made this addition in his narration that he participated in the Battle of Badr and in the narration of Ibn ‘Umar (the words are): Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) laughed.”
(Sahih Muslim Book 17 Hadith 33)
This suckling thing was so important that there were verses in the Quran originally revealed about it,
“It was narrated that ‘Aishah said:
“The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
(Book 9 Hadith 100)
Now add to this the Sunnis saying the Shias are not true Muslims, the Shias saying the Sunnis are not real Muslims, both the Shias and Sunnis saying the Ahmadis are not real Muslims, I just add my own voice to the debate to say there are no real Muslims on the planet.
Majority of Muslims in the west do not believe in Jihad (which is fantastic and thank God they do not!), a course ordained for them from Allah and Muhammad, so they are not really Muslims according to Surah 33:36 even if they call themselves that. No Muslim wipes their backside with 3 rocks and no Muslim outside Saudi Arabia ensures they do not face the Qiblah when “taking care of business”. No Muslim on the planet does not have a picture of some kind in their house or in their possession, No Muslim woman suckles adult men to prevent them from lusting after her.
Most Muslims would have a problem with child marriage, forceful “relations” with “those whom your right hand possess” and this is to mention a few. No Muslim shows up for prayer visibly covered in semen stains.
In short, there are no real Muslims anywhere on the planet…