Why atheism is much worse than Islam from an intellectual standpoint
I will do something I never thought I would ever do in my life; defend Islam!
I am doing this because I have been having some conversations with some of the writers over at the “Deconstructing Christianity” publication and the dialogues I have been involved in have convinced me of one thing, “As ridiculous as I think the Islamic worldview is, atheism is a way more stupid world view”. I say so for the following reasons;
First, atheism explains nothing. It literally cannot explain anything. It has no rational explanation for the origin of the universe or the fine-tuning of the universe for life or scientific constants or the origin of life or moral values or consciousness or the rationality of the laws of the universe or why we as human beings can trust our faculties to do science, it does not account for the value of human life or human rights, it has no answer for the problem of evil or the meaning of life. It explains nothing! Its best explanation is an appeal to ignorance mixed with “faith” that we will at some point be able to sufficiently account for these things.
Secondly, atheism grounds nothing. A simple question that people need to learn to ask atheists is “On what basis is this wrong?”. So take slavery for example, “On what ground can an atheist complain about slavery?”, “what is wrong with it?”, “what justification is there for slavery to be abolished in the context of atheism?”, on what basis can an atheist condemn Hitler?
Now, the thing with atheists, is they tend to have so much moral indignation against several things, particularly things in the Bible but what grounds this morality though? Remember Dawkins’ rant on “The God delusion”? As an atheist, what justification is there for living a moral life? If there is no God, there can be no grounding for universal moral values so why in the world would an atheist adhere to these universal moral values(The reasoning that inspired pre Christian Jeffrey Dahmer)? Why are they so indignant that God or other human beings are not following these universal moral values? Nazism for instance is the kind of conclusion atheism logically leads to, it is precisely the kind of system inconsistent with the belief that all human beings are made in the image of a creator and inherently have value hence an atheist living a “moral” life and wanting to be “a good person” is equivalent to a Muslim who does not believe in Jihad even if it is the logical consequence of accepting Islam as true based on the Quran and hadith.
Much like Dawkins who loves cathedrals and hymns and church bells but hates and keeps vigorously attacking the very beliefs that preserve and uphold the cathedral and hymns and church bells he loves so much, atheists love the morals that Christianity has given the west (if you are salty, please take it out on historians Tom Holland and Sarah Irving) but not the Christianity behind it. Like the hypocritical Pharisees, they do not want Caesar, but by golly, do they want those shiny coins with Caesar’s face on it! Atheists want Christian principles but not Christ Himself.
Third, atheism sustains nothing. It cannot sustain a civilization. For years, Christopher Hitchens and his other horsemen posited that if we just got rid of religion, there would be a scientific and rational eutopia, reason would flourish and society would be all the better for it! We have tried that for almost 20 years now and what has been the result?
- We no longer have clarity on what a woman or a man really is
- The west has become so weak that the same Islam which it had kept out of its shores for years has been let in to fester and embed into the system in the name of “tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness”
- The same Dawkins who expected a scientific eutopia has been cancelled for saying there are only two sexes, something which he thought is common-sensical and basic biology, so freedom of expression and thought (think Facebook, YouTube and pre-Elon Twitter) is still under threat as much as it was “when the Christians were in charge”. (Just look at what is happening in the UK and in the US under Biden when catholic churches were being monitored for their pro-life positions!).
- Despite God being kicked out of schools and atheists being in charge of deciding curriculums, college students have become dumber than ever before and are being more brainwashed with leftist agendas (Proof of this is students in college campuses all over the US and Europe chanting in support of genocidal terrorists that would kill them in a heartbeat). Professors in academia who do not tow the standard leftist line or whose research do not feed a preferred narrative are deprived funding or lose their jobs altogether.
- Wokeism (nothing more needs to be said)
In my view, there are two underlying reasons why atheism is incapable of holding or sustaining a civilisation;
- There can be no such thing as absolute liberty. Human rights (other than the right to human dignity and right to fair hearing) have limitations imposed on them. The right to freedom for example is curtailed if one commits a crime and is locked up in jail. There is also the general limitation of one person’s human rights ending where another’s begins. For years in the west, liberty had been underpinned by a Christian foundation and thus limited by it but as the west moved away Christianity, there was now a question, “Now, Christianity is gone, what are the new limits to liberty? How far is too far?” and surprise surprise, atheism has no answer to this.
- Atheism (Other than the communist/Nazi brand, so maybe the more secular humanist slant of atheism) as an ideology does not have principles strong enough to deal with dissent, particularly aggressive dissent. It cannot defend itself if crap hits the fan. Atheism only works in atheists’ heads, a society where everybody plays by the rules. What these rules are? Who cares?! Something vague like “love”, “tolerance”, “equality”, “freedom” perhaps? What exactly do those things mean? Who knows?! Problem is here in the real world, there are people (say someone who believes in Islam for instance) who would not play by the atheists’ moral conventions (the atheist’s morality has no grounding anyway), what is the strong conviction or principle upon which atheists can stand to resist those who violently oppose its ideas?
It is therefore no surprise society has gotten worse since atheism replaced Christianity in the west. It is no surprise the west has become more and more of a joke post Christianity. It is no surprise the terrorist organisations and caliphates in the middle east no longer fear the west.
So why is atheism worse than Islam? Islam believes in a creator and this alone puts it lightyears above atheism because there is a lot more explanatory scope where a creator is in the picture. Islam can at least account for the origin of life, origin of the universe and human consciousness. (It would not explain free-will since Allah ordains absolutely everything but it at least accounts for something).
Islam at least has the Quran given by the creator as a basis for morality. I think the ethics in this morality is abhorrent but it at least has grounding.
Finally, Islam, unlike atheism, is capable of and has an actual history of grounding a civilisation. The civilisation thrived on the back of oppression of minorities and such but I digress.
Islam is capable of giving life meaning for the Muslim, service of Allah (Which might be through Jihad…but I digress again) and Islam gives a person something to fight for hence there is a mechanism for resisting those who try to undermine it.
I have hated writing this article but it had to be done. I have had it to here (picture my hand at neck level) with atheists on Medium running their mouths, sorry their keyboards, moaning about the evils of Christianity, how atheists are so rational following the evidence where ever it leads (unless of course, it leads to the fact Jesus rose from the dead as I found out during one of my conversations which I may or may not publish at some point) while Christians only have “faith”, how they don’t like how the world is so there must be no God (never mind they have no rational basis for expecting the world to be different from how it is now) and Christians with their “sky-daddy” are dim wits while they at the same time hold a world-view so utterly stupid, so utterly weak and so utterly ridiculous that it cannot even hold a candle to Islam.
*Article specially dedicated to the chaps at “Deconstructing Christianity”.